If you love fantasy, no matter the shape or form, you have come to the right place.
Here you will find a temple packed with resources. Some are for entertainment purposes, like my fiction, whereas others are guides intended to help you through the wonderful universe of fantasy. As you will notice I like to use videos, which I regularly upload to YouTube. I also share from my own experience as an author in the hopes that it will inspire or help you on your own journey; whatever that may be.
In short I like to think that every fan of fantasy can find something of interest here.
Meet Jesper
I have always loved creating and I suppose that if I was only allowed to choose two words to describe myself they would be, “Focused ambition.” Yet, the art of writing was something that lived a quiet life, in the back of my mind, for many years. It was a dormant desire and, like so many of our dreams, it was placed on a list of things to do later; you know, when time would allow it. And there I left it. Half-forgotten. For a long time. Read More